As several clubs may request competitions on the same weekend, clubs are strongly encouraged to provide alternate dates for their competitions as first choices cannot be guaranteed. GymBC will notify clubs if weekend selections are highly requested, making suggestions for alternative dates if necessary. It is also recommended that clubs contact other clubs in their zone to discuss dates and to avoid conflicts with other events within their zones.
A three-round bidding process will be implemented for the 2024-25 season, which will govern the submission and allocation of events sanctioned by Gymnastics BC. The three round bidding process aligns with Gymnastics BC’s commitment to creating an efficient and effective event’s calendar that benefits everyone. By enabling clubs to express their preferred event dates early, this framework facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning.
In line with our commitment to optimizing operational efficiency and resource allocation, Gymnastics BC introduces a three-round bidding process for clubs seeking event sanctions for the 2024-2025 season. This structured approach aims to streamline the event calendar creation process and empower clubs with timely scheduling information.