- Please select the “Request a New Criminal Record Check” button (your results will automatically be shared with Gymnastics BC).
Please do NOT share the volunteer access code. The BC Criminal Records Review program will periodically audit GymBC. If it is found that the volunteer code is being used for paid employees, GymBC and its members will no longer be able to use this convenient service and coaches would again be required to complete CRCs in person (and pay a higher fee to do so). - After the applicant enters their personal information in the online form, their ID will be verified via the electronic ID verification process (EIV). The ID verification process can be completed manually if the applicant’s ID cannot be verified electronically (see below).
Criminal Record Checks
Gymnastics BC requires valid criminal record checks (CRC) on file for all coaches 19 years and older as per provincial law.
Not all individuals associated with GymBC are required to undergo screening through a CRC, as not all positions pose a risk of harm to GymBC or to its members. Those who work closely with minor athletes and who occupy positions of trust and authority within GymBC are required to complete a CRC. These would include:
- individuals in key personnel positions in GymBC Member Clubs, including:
- paid staff positions
- club owner or president
- volunteers (includes Board members)
- privacy officer
- joint health and safety committee representative (as per WorkSafeBC)
- finance coordinator
- coaches of provincial teams
- volunteers appointed to accompany provincial teams to events or competitions
- volunteers at major GymBC hosted events identified by GymBC as requiring CRCs
- all registered coaches affiliated with GymBC Member Clubs
Note: Gymnastics BC requires that searches for pardoned sexual offences (Vulnerable Sector Searches – VSS) be conducted for all member coaches.
Validity of CRCs
CRCs are valid for a period of three years. Gymnastics BC may also, at any time, request that an individual in a designated category provide an updated CRC. This will take place if GymBC has grounds to believe that the results of the previous CRC are no longer accurate.

How to Obtain a Criminal Record Check
All coaches and other employees of GymBC member clubs must visit their local police station to obtain a Criminal Record Check. Once completed, a copy of the CRC should be submitted by email to GymBC or via the GymBC Screening Form.
Please ensure you request a Vulnerable Sector Search when requesting a CRC.
Volunteers are eligible to obtain a free online CRC through the BC Ministry of Justice. See below for details.
For Volunteers Only
How to Obtain an Online Criminal Record Check
Please note that if you use the online process to apply for a CRC you will not receive a hard copy of your CRC clearance letter. If you or your employer requires a hard copy, you will need to complete a CRC request through your local police station (don’t forget to request a Vulnerable Sector Search).
Online CRCs are FREE for volunteers ONLY. The access code for volunteers can be requested by completing this form.
After you have obtained the volunteer access code from GymBC, visit the following website to complete your CRC online: https://justice.gov.bc.ca/criminalrecordcheck
Select the “Request a New Criminal Record Check” button (your results will automatically be shared with Gymnastics BC).
ID was verified electronically, please continue the process with the following steps:
GymBC will be notified once the CRC has been completed.
ID was not verified electronically, please continue the process with the following steps:
- Print off the manual application form which is pre-populated with the applicant’s personal information, and includes the ID Verification form.
- Add the appropriate ID code to the application form (can be handwritten or typed in any blank space):
– Volunteer ID code: 1421156
- Have identification manually verified by a representative of the applicant’s club (i.e. office manager, membership registrar, head coach, board member etc.). After verifying two valid forms of ID, the club representative must forward the documentation on to the Technical Education Manager for electronic submission. After verifying two valid forms of ID (see below for acceptable forms of ID), the club representative will sign the ID verification form.
A copy of the signed ID verification form will be kept on file for five years as per program requirements.
- The Technical Education Manager will send the application form, ID verification form and Application for Pre-Authorized Credit Card Usage form (form location available above) to the BC Criminal Records Review Program (address and fax number is located on the printed application form).
- GymBC will be notified once the CRC has been processed.
Manual ID verification for club representatives
Two pieces of ID are required for manual ID verification. At least one of the listed primary pieces of ID, along with a secondary ID (see list of accepted ID below) must be shown to the club representative. One piece of ID must be government issued (Driver’s Licence is preferred) and display applicant’s name, date of birth, signature and photo.
Primary ID
- B.C. Driver’s Licence or learner’s licence
(must have your photo) - B.C. Identification (BCID) card
- B.C. Services Card
(must have your photo) - Canadian birth certificate
- Passport
- Canadian Citizenship Card
- Permanent Resident Card
- Canadian Record of Landing/Canadian Immigration Identification Record
Secondary ID
- School ID card (student card)
- Bank or credit card (only if applicant’s name is on card)
- Foreign birth certificate (baptismal certificate is not acceptable)
- Canadian or U.S. driver’s license
- Naturalization certificate
- Police or Canadian Forces identification
- Foreign Affairs Canada / consular ID
- Vehicle registration (only if applicant’s signature is shown)
- Photo employee ID card
- Possession and Acquisition License (PAL)
- Social Insurance Card (the new style without signature strip is NOT acceptable)
- B.C. CareCard
- B.C. Services Card (with or without photo)
- Native Status Card
Volunteer Criminal Record Check (CRC) Access Code Request
Click the button below for the Volunteer CRC Access Code request form.